Westdene-bus: ‘Rassis’ sê ’skuus

Beeld ’n Man wat op Facebook rassistiese opmerkings oor die Westdene-busramp gemaak het, het gister blomme op die grafte van die slagoffers gesit. “Ek is werklik jammer oor wat ek gesê het,” het Zama Khumalo (24) in die Wespark-begraafplaas in Johannesburg aan Elize...

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Khumalo cleans graves of Westdene victims

Khumalo cleans graves of Westdene victims

Zama Khumalo, the man who recently insulted the family and friends of the 42 children who died in the Westdene bus disaster, today complied with a ruling of the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) to clean the graves of the deceased children. The event was attended by...

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Request for Interview with Survivors

This is a request we received in a comment on https://www.westdene1985.co.za/reports/the-survivors/#comment-506. If there is anyone out there willing to take part, the contact details are below. You can also read more on Welela Studios here: http://www.welela.tv This...

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