What happened to William Horne?

What happened to William Horne?

There are many conflicting reports of what happened to William (Willem Philip) Horne after the accident. The most recent information available, although this has not been verified as true, is that an article about him was published in the Sondag newspaper in 2008. The...

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As jou siel skeur

As jou siel skeur

deur Trix Tromp, vir Connie van der Westhuizen 29 Jaar gelede op 27 Maart om en by half 3 die middag; was ek 'n 1ste jaar verpleegster by JG Strijdom hospitaal. Ek was net reg om agter die gordyne in te glip om 'n verband te vervang in saal 21. 'N ander student het...

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