27 March ’85
This site is dedicated to the 42 children who lost their lives on this tragic day, the men, women and children who worked frantically to save every possible life and also to family and friends who lost loved ones. It also serves as a reminder to public safety departments all around the world to be ever-prepared for the worst.

27 March 1985
On 27 March 1985, a yellow double-decker bus transporting school children from the Vorentoe High School, left the road as it was crossing over the bridge of the Westdene Dam in Johannesburg. 30 Children swam to safety or were rescued from the rooftop of the bus. 42 Children died.

The Survivors
The Westdene Bus Disaster was very traumatic for everyone involved, directly and indirectly. There are some survivors who still refuse to talk about that dreadful day. There are also reports of suicides in the months and years following the tragedy.
Westdene Memories
These photos represent actual posts. Click on the photo or “read more link” to read more. Feel free to comment on them as this will help us know more about the photos.
Removing the bus from the Westdene Dam
Nurses and police officers join bystanders as they wait for the bus to be lifted from the water.
Saying Goodbye
A mass funeral ceremony was held at the Johannesburg Westpark Cemetery on 1 April 1985. Hundreds of friends and family members gathered to say...
A heavy load to bear
Boeta Rousseau helping at the Westdene Bus Disaster (second from right). His daughter Alice was not on the bus that day but normally would have...
The Westdene Dam
This is an overall view of the scene at the Westdene Dam. Rescuers standing in the water on the roof of the submerged bus. Around 30 children were...
Guard of Honour
Fire fighters from nearby fire stations formed a guard of honour at the funeral.
Mass Funeral Ceremony
Thirty-five of the victims of the Westdene Bus Disaster were buried in the Heroes Acre of the Johannesburg Westpark Cemetery on 1 April 1985 during...
Recent Posts
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“Die Busramp” deur Christine Herterich
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Chantal Parkin interview with City News, Joburg Today
Today, 33 years ago, 42 children lost their lives after a school bus swerved into the Westdene Dam. Chantal Parkin, one of the Westdene Bus Disaster survivor’s, joins City News in the studio to talk about this day.
Huldeblyk aan die Westdene Busramp
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