Die voorlopige datum vir die 30 jaar herdenking van die Westdene Busramp is 28 Maart 2015 om 09h00.
The provisional date for the 30 year commemoration of the Westdene Bus Disaster is 28 March 2015 at 09h00.
Die voorlopige datum vir die 30 jaar herdenking van die Westdene Busramp is 28 Maart 2015 om 09h00.
The provisional date for the 30 year commemoration of the Westdene Bus Disaster is 28 March 2015 at 09h00.
Ek onthou dit soos gister. My ma (Fransien Swart) het ‘n paar jaar vantevore by Triomf laerskool skoolgehou. Toe sy daai dag die koerant oopslaan met die foto’s het sy na een na die ander kind se foto gewys maar kom nie praat nie, die harteer was te groot…
Hi Christine, my ma is Poppies. Ek is Renette, nooiensvan Van Deventer en bynaam Sterretjie.
Hi Bianca. Ek is Karin en Marlene se tannie. Hulle ma, Ria Erasmus is my suster. Wie is jou ma?, Poppie? Ria en Marlene gaan Saterdag by die diens wees so gaan gesels met hulle. Groetnis
Morning Elize, a friend sent me your details.
A lady named Lisa del Mistro has arranged for a dam clean up at Westdene on Saturday the 28th.
My friends and I are Sea Shepherd on shore volunteers and Cove guardians. Sea shepherd across the world do beach clean ups and generally our mission is to save the oceans. As we are in Johannesburg nd Pretoria, we do not have a beach so we are committed to doing dam clean ups.
I remember this tragic event like it was yesterday, and my heart breaks for the family members and friends and school.
We decided we would like to do a little something after the clean up in memory of the lives lost. We as On Shore Volunteers of Sea Shepherd South Africa will commit to clean this dam in remembrance of the children that lost their lives. We will also commit to make this a yearly institution to keep this sanctuary clean so birds, fish and other wildlife will be protected.
Unfortunately I have to move my offices from one location to another on Saturday, but I have other SS volunteers that will be helping. Would you please contact me so we can chat?
072 160 48 23
Hallo Elize,
As daar enige iets is waarmee ons kan help, kontak ons gerus.
Deon & Francie Beukes.