There are many conflicting reports of what happened to William (Willem Philip) Horne after the accident. The most recent information available, although this has not been verified as true, is that an article about him was published in the Sondag newspaper in 2008. The article states that Willem Philip Horne was (at the time) an Independent Democrat (ID) councillor near Worcestor in the Western Cape.
Something which seems to give this article some credibility is the fact that a notice was published on the ID’s website on Monday 21 June 2010 that “Oom” Philip Horne (perhaps using his middle name to remain anonymous), a founder member and councillor of the ID in the Bree Rivier Municipality had passed away the previous Friday morning (18 June 2010) after a long battle with cancer. The notice can be read here. A PDF version is also available.
If someone is able to verify that the Sondag article shown here is genuine (a publication date would also be welcome), or has contact with the author, Nicolene de Wee, please let me know.
This article about Willem Horne is said to have been published in the Sondag newspaper in 2008